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Club Penguin Archives:To-do List/Help

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This is the help page for the official Club Penguin Archives to-do list.


The to-do list compromises of two core templates; one for the header and another for the body of the template. The template used for the header is {{ToDo1}} and it cannot be edited. The template used for the body of the template is {{ToDo2}} and it has three values to be filled in. The first value is to be used to explain the objective at hand. The second value is to be used for the status of the featured user. The third and final value is used to feature the users working on the project.

Although is no set limit to how many {{ToDo2}} templates that can be placed after {{ToDo1}}, you must place |} after each set of {{ToDo2}} templates to prevent the template from breaking.

For example:

|Finish expanding all of this category.
|Expand the page to include more information.

The coding above will appear as the template below upon publishing or previewing.

Objective Status Users
Finish expanding all of this category. In progress
In progress
On hold
Expand the page to include more information. In progress
On hold
On hold


There are three different statuses that a user could have. The template below showcases all of the statuses and the code used to show them.

Status Code Meaning
In progress {{progress}} Is regularly being worked on.
On hold {{hold}} Has been stopped temporarily however work will resume soon.
Complete {{complete}} Task is completed (remember to strike through the task objective). If the objective has been completed, every user's status should appear as completed, regardless of what it was previously.

Completed Objective Example

Start with <s> and close off at </s> to strike through the objective.

For example:

|<s>Complete to-do list guide</s>

The coding above will appear as the template below upon publishing or previewing.

Objective Status Users
Complete to-do list guide Complete