Information regarding the Club Penguin Wiki Network

The Club Penguin Wiki Network was abandoned by its tech staff. These are recreations of the original sites. Your original CPWN account will not work here. Any issues, please contact Sky.

Club Penguin Archives talk:About

From Club Penguin Archives
Latest comment: 17 December 2012 by Cp kid
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Don't you think the history section is way too CK-oriented? It says "Cp kid" in there 4 times, mainly for things that would be insignificant things on another site :| --{{SUBST:Template:BroSig}} 13:32, 17 December 2012 (UTC)

I kinda agree, but I don't really know much else archives history from pre-2012 :P So make a user sub-page with what you think it should look like, and if it's better then i'll chnge it. Cp kid Let's talk! 18:52, 17 December 2012 (UTC)Reply