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Club Penguin Archives:Request uploader permissions/Archive

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This is the archive for the Requests for permissions system. All complete, successful or not, requests should be archived in the corresponding section.


List of successful users.

Penstubal (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: No reason.)


Gatuti789 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: I'd like to have upload rights because with this right I can upload files related to CPW articles.)


Dave33333 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: No reason.)


Misabr (edits - logs) (Permission: UPLOADER) (Reason: To upload SWFs, like Holiday Party 2013 SWF for the Cloud Forest, or Postcards, Rooms for some partys in the future)


Abdul54 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: I want to help with the wiki)


Octopus (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: I want to add more swfs mostly in the postcards section, and I also have a few misc. swfs you may need.)


Lisured (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: Occasional upload of new files, esp. ones that are often forgotten – like music for Welcome Russia or Elsa concert)

Done --Tux (*** SERVICE NOTIFICATION *** IS UP) 02:06, 27 August 2014 (UTC)

Haroonbg (edits - logs) (Permission: UPLOAD) (Reason: Hi there, I would like permisson to upload stuff like new rooms and cp party files as want people like to access past parties. I have had loads of experience with Wiki's and profressional SWF Editior.)

No comment

Torchic09 (edits - logs) (Permission: UPLOADER) (Reason: Finding very good cp SWFS that i can store)

Trial, I will give you a one month trial. Nando144 23:51, 17 September 2014 (UTC)

Agent 118 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: Hi! I'm requesting the Uploader permission, because I believe that I'm an experienced downloader. Have been downloading and hunting "lost" flash games (with .xml and .txt files) for the past two years, and at the same time I find it interesting and fun. I love to search for different games and files that I can add in my collection, and therefore I think that I can be to good help for this archive. I just got my hands on the Beta test party town from 2005.)

Done Mario Rk (T · C) 23:57, 3 October 2014 (UTC)

Quackerpingu (edits - logs) (Permission: uploader) (Reason: I'd like to have the rights.)

Done Mario Rk (T · C) 17:23, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

Dialga22239 (edits - logs) (Permission: uploader) (Reason: I want to add more music SFW files)

Done --Juca (discussão/talk) 23:56, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

Misabr (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I used to have Uploader rights here, but now I don't have them anymore because of inactivity. I got back to CP and want to help here again)

Done --Juca (discussão/talk) 22:21, 23 March 2015 (UTC)

MisabrBot (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I'm Misabr and I'd like this user to have the bot status etc. because I want to use this for automated uploads (like massive postcard uploads) UPDATE: I got the Bot status, but I still don't have uploader rights, so I request them here now.)


Jake1702 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I want to be an uploader because I can help get new party's swfs as soon as they come out/ as soon as I get them.)

Done --Juca (discussão/talk) 22:32, 14 May 2015 (UTC)

Towerofyikk (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: It has come to my attention that this wiki is well... not the best maintained before. And well, there are a whole ton of swf missing as well, a handful of which I am in possession in. In addition to uploading some missing stuff, I also think it might be worth it to take the swfs of archived rooms (at the least) that are just in one language (particularly older swfs, from like 2009-2012) and convert them to English, then make subpages for Parties & Events where the swfs will be in other languages (if that is okay with the editors here))

Done --Juca (discussão/talk) 17:22, 27 September 2015 (UTC)

Llove Kuwait (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I want to help the wiki to uplaod swfs i have nothing to say more :P)

Done --Juca (discussão/talk) 17:22, 27 September 2015 (UTC)

Obs1d1an (edits - logs) (Permission: Adding SWF files) (Reason: I wanted to add some swf files, that I have to the archives for other people to use.)

Done.. Nando144 16:09, 4 October 2015 (UTC)

Matthewvacc (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: I have a wide variety of old files not currently on the wiki that I would like to contribute to the community.)

Done. Mario Rk (T · C) 23:51, 13 November 2015 (UTC)

Steven10178 (edits - logs) (Permission: Penguin chat 3 .swf files) (Reason: I want the permission to uplad these files)

Done. Just a note, if any of the PC3 swfs are confirmed as frauds, they will be deleted. Mario Rk (T · C) 23:51, 13 November 2015 (UTC)

Snailrocket (edits - logs) (Permission: UPLOADER) (Reason: i have the original Penguin chat 3 swfs, including the original "chat" swf from 2005.)

Done. Mario Rk (T · C) 14:04, 14 May 2016 (UTC)

Arielgp2010 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: To upload new .swf of the newest parties)

Done. Mario Rk (T · C) 14:04, 14 May 2016 (UTC)

Emeraldkingd (edits - logs) (Permission: ability to use the swf files on this website) (Reason: I want to see what club penguin was like in the past but all the sites that i found that host it are blocked by my anti virus)

Done. Mario Rk (T · C) 14:04, 14 May 2016 (UTC)

Walrus322 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I would like to log new Club Penguin Room SWFs, and contribute to the Archives by adding Rooms that are not added.)

Done. Mario Rk (T · C) 14:04, 14 May 2016 (UTC)

Ben (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I have a file from the water party 2008 that I'd like to upload)

Done. Mario Rk (T · C) 14:04, 14 May 2016 (UTC)

PowerKitten (edits - logs) (Permission: Upload) (Reason: I've found some SWFs on the media servers that aren't on the site.)

Done. Mario Rk (T · C) 22:32, 25 March 2017 (UTC)

MasterLoopy (edits - logs) (Permission: Request Upload Permissions) (Reason: REASONI would like upload permissions please.)

Done. Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:35, 2 May 2017 (UTC)

RiyitaCP (edits - logs) (Permission: PERMISSION) (Reason: REASON)

Done. Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:23, 16 May 2017 (UTC)

Quackerpingu (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I'd like to have the rights. Also, i used to have them before, and i didn't abuse them.)

Done. Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:23, 16 May 2017 (UTC)

ISuperqami (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Permissions) (Reason: I saw that there is a project and the aim of it is to put all files from the mirror into their respective sections. I downloaded the mirror and saw that there were a lot of Water Party 2008 swfs which are not on the CP Archives atm so I would like to upload swfs and put them on their respective pages. The community will be even more closer to having all the swfs they want to look at for whatever reason, at their fingertips! Thanks in advance.)

Done. Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:23, 16 May 2017 (UTC)

Flippy (edits - logs) (Permission: Upload Permissions) (Reason: Found a few SWF files such as the Music Jam 2014 logo that were not uploaded.)

Granted by Mario Rk. --Tux (*** SERVICE NOTIFICATION *** IS UP) 09:03, 23 July 2017 (UTC)

Grummy (edits - logs) (Permission: UPLOADER) (Reason: To upload the beta town etc.)

Approved. --Tux (*** SERVICE NOTIFICATION *** IS UP) 09:01, 23 July 2017 (UTC)

Nagi123 (edits - logs) (Permission: uploader) (Reason: I have missing SWFs)

Done. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:21, 30 July 2017 (UTC)

Mondo912 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader permission) (Reason: To upload some files of my 600 MB SWF Collection 2005-2011.)

Done. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:21, 30 July 2017 (UTC)

Based (edits - logs) (Permission: Upload) (Reason: I would like to help archive most of clubpenguin, since I have been using this website for years, and would like to give back to the community. I'm planning on uploading some 2006-2007 rooms if I get upload permission)

Done. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:21, 30 July 2017 (UTC)

Jess0426 (edits - logs) (Permission: uploader) (Reason: I often add non-existent files and can upload them myself)

Done. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 01:30, 28 January 2018 (UTC)

Puffl3Pengu1 (edits - logs) (Permission: PERMISSION) (Reason:

Done. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 01:30, 28 January 2018 (UTC)

Frenzyboi (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I have a few files that I've archived when CP was active. Able to upload some missing files, for example: Postcard 112. Still looking through some local files and comparing at the moment.)

Done. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 01:30, 28 January 2018 (UTC)

Kikiik (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I have a lot of room swfs that are missing, I will add them accordingly)

Done. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 01:30, 28 January 2018 (UTC)


List of unsuccessful users. (edits - logs) (Permission: PERMISSION) (Reason: REASON)

IP editor

Creative (edits - logs) (Permission: LightHouse party) (Reason: I re-made the swf of the lighthouse without show stage: Click here)

Club Penguin Archives was created to archive SWFs made by Club Penguin, not edited ones. (edits - logs) (Permission: PERMISSION) (Reason: REASON)

HI CPA ! I Want You To Upload The Club Penguin New Releasing SWF's. You Just Stopped After June 2015 & Just To Remind You That Treasure Book Aren't Working ! and Please add Treasure Book 20 ! Thanks !

Not Done.. Create an account before submit an request. Nando144 16:09, 4 October 2015 (UTC)

I have the Beta Test Party.swf I would like to upload it, please give me permission!

Not Done. Please try again using application template Mario Rk (T · C) 14:04, 14 May 2016 (UTC)

PowerKitten (edits - logs) (Permission: File Mover) (Reason: To clean up the sporadic filenames that make it hard to find a file that someone is looking for.)

Not Done. All uploaders already have permission to move files. Mario Rk (T · C) 01:09, 2 April 2017 (UTC)

Quackerpingu (edits - logs) (Permission: admin) (Reason: I'd like to have the rights.)

Not Done. This is where uploader rights are requested, not administrator rights. Even so, applications for administrator are not open at this time and are never given away this freely. Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:35, 2 May 2017 (UTC)

Quackerpingu (edits - logs) (Permission: uploader) (Reason: I'd like to have the rights.)

Not Done. For his reputation, I don't recommend uploader rights to him. Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:35, 2 May 2017 (UTC)

Penguinpuffdude (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploading File) (Reason: To create Template:MainFanon, I would like an uploader to upload this file.)

Declined, the file in question already exists. --Tux (*** SERVICE NOTIFICATION *** IS UP) 09:01, 23 July 2017 (UTC)

Obs1d1an (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader) (Reason: I have some lost party files that I'd like to upload. I was originally an uploader but I tried uploading a file and I received a server error so I figured I might of lost the permissions.)

Not Done. You already had these rights. --Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:21, 30 July 2017 (UTC)

Based (edits - logs) (Permission: Upload Permission) (Reason: I would like to upload some 2006-2007 rooms that the archive doesn't have yet)

Not Done. Please don't request more than once. Permissions granted via the original attempt. Mario Rk (T) (C) 05:21, 30 July 2017 (UTC)